The mugs, from Kampa’s collection of melamine which includes attractive and simple colours. These mugs are made of 100% melamine, are extremely durable, lightweight and dishwasher safe.
This Kampa melamine mug set is perfect for camping, caravanning and even at home for use in the back garden when your drinking outside.
Melamine absorbs heat so if you often use cups in a microwave or pour boiling water into them first this can cause the melamine to soften and crack. Boiled water should be left to cool for a short while before pouring into the cup. We recommend making the tea in a tea pot first rather than directly into the cup and pouring your milk in to the mug first. Also leaving a stainless-steel spoon in the mug before pouring tea/coffee into the mug which will absorb the heat and save the mug from absorbing all the heat.